
Energy council on the 19th June

The energy council on the 19th June reached an agreement on the regulation which aims to reinforce the protection against market manipulation on the wholesale energy market but ministers couldn’t reach consensus on the new electricity market design proposal.
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Hungary votes no to EU initiative attacking cuts in utility bills

Hungary will vote no to the European Commission's proposal on the reform of the electricity market, which would take away the right of member states' governments to keep electricity prices low, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Péter Szijjártó said in Luxembourg on Monday.
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Hungary rejects the European Commission's right to interfere in Member States' budgets

The Hungarian government rejects the idea that the European Commission should be allowed to intervene even more strongly in the budgets of Member States, as this would constitute a new double standard, the Hungarian Finance Minister said in Luxembourg on Friday.
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Ministerial exchange on the pharmaceutical package at the health EPSCO Council

The EPSCO Council of health ministers took place on 13 June 2023 in Luxembourg. On behalf of Hungary, Péter Takács secretary of state of health attended the meeting.
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EPSCO Council - Employment, Social Policy session, Luxembourg, 12 June 2023

The European Semester was once again at the very heart of policy debates within the EPSCO Council. The Ministers discussed the Spring Package and the future of the Social Convergence Framework, where a number of Member States, including Hungary voiced their concerns.
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