
Information about our website

Please note that the website of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the EU is available from 18 June 2024. From that date, and until the end of the Presidency, all news will be published on the Presidency’s website.
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Presentation of the priorities of the Hungarian Presidency at the EPSCO Council

At the Employment, Social Affairs, Health, and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) Council meeting on 20 June 2024, the Hungarian delegation was led by Sándor Czomba, Minister of State for Employment Policy, and Attila Fülöp, Minister of State for Care Policy.
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Aid provided to Ukraine must be monitored

Hungary finds the disciplined, strict control and monitoring of the use of the aid disbursed to Ukraine important, the Hungarian Finance Minister said in Luxembourg on Friday.
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Ambitious employment and social agenda is needed for the new institutional cycle – meeting of the employment and social ministers

At the Employment, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Affairs (EPSCO) Council on 11 March 2024, the Hungarian delegation was led by Attila Fülöp, Minister of State for Care Policy.
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Hungary supports the acceleration of permit-granting process of renewable energy

Hungary supports the acceleration of permit-granting process of renewable energy, but at the same time opposes the extension of the measures related to the gas price cap and the joint gas purchase, the State Secretary for Energy and Climate Policy of the Ministry of Energy stated in Brussels on Tuesday.
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