1 Feb

The 2nd ALIPH (Alliance internationale pour la protection du patrimoine dans les zones en conflit) donors' conference took place in Paris on 31 January, in the framework of the French EU Presidency. ALIPH is an international consortium led by France, which aims to restore monuments and collections that have been destroyed in war zones and thus improve the living conditions of local communities and help them to stay in their communities.

Hungary was represented by Ambassador Bálint Ódor, Head of the Foreign and Security Policy Office of the Permanent Representation in Brussels. The conference was attended by more than 50 participants. At the event, Ambassador Bálint Ódor signed a Cooperation Agreement with ALIPH on behalf of the Hungary Helps Agency, under which the two organisations plan to implement joint projects in the future. The cooperation aims to contribute to building the resilience of local communities in conflict-affected areas and to promote peace and sustainable development in the Middle East through the protection of cultural heritage. Similarly to the projects implemented by Hungary Helps Agency ALIPH's activities contribute to reducing migratory pressures on Europe by providing practical, on-the-ground assistance to communities most in need.